Saturday, March 04, 2006

Interview pass or fail

I am taking time this weekend to prepare for my interview Wednesday with Toronto Public Library. I am fortunate enough to have a friend who works for them and has given me some sample questions that he has encountered. I have had a couple Library interviews so I am familiar with some of the questions.

I'm usually not nervous about interviews because they are really just an exercise in theory and how you respond to hypothetical situations and really only determine whether or not you can "interview" well and doesn't necessarily mean you will "work" well. I had one interview with a library last year that was essentially a personality test and didn't even bother to ask any questions pertaining to the job itself - that would have been the second (in person) interview but I was living in South Korea so I never made it that far.

Last month I had to interview people for receptionist positions at my current job and even though they seemed good at being interviewed they have turned out to suck at the job itself.

I think I'm pretty good at spouting theory - so we'll see if I pass or fail.

If I fail, there's always Korea!

1 comment:

lorena said...

best of luck lady!