Saturday, July 04, 2009

Two Wrongs Don't Make a Right

Obviously the Jon and Kate saga has taken a back burner to the Michael Jackson shocker but since I mentioned it in a previous post, I'll complete the thought.

The reason I think Kate needs some props is because I'm so sick of hearing stupid mindless media spewing so called journalism (like Extra and TMZ) calling her "Kate-zilla" or "wife-zilla" because she is bitchy to her husband. These media Barbies and Kens seem to think that poor Jon had a good reason to (allegedly) cheat because his wife is a bitch. WHOA!! Stop the presses!

No matter what kind of relationship you are in, there is never an excuse to cheat. If you hate your spouse, separate or sign the divorce papers and then get it on with someone half your age. If you are cheating then you are saying that you have already checked out of the current relationship and it is not worth the effort required to work out some issues. Ok, so don't work out the issues, make it clear that things are over and deal with the fallout. I'm so sick of people making Kate out to be the home wrecker because she nags or gets bitchy. So it may come out that they were both cheating or that Jon never did cheat, or that they are both horrible and exploit their children - whatever, my point remains the same. I also don't understand why people want to stay with someone who has cheated. The cheater obviously didn't think you were worth the time it takes to work out any issues between you so why should you take the time and spend the energy forgiving them? Cue the refrain "it's for the children". So sad, divorce is hard on children but so is a childhood with miserable parents that hate each other and are emotionally checked out - way to set a good example!

Anyway, that's my take on the cheaters that be and I think that Kate has one hell of a task running that household and maybe she's let TLC pay for her clothes and her hair and her tan - you show me someone with 8 kids who would say "no thank you".


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