Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Hedge Maze

Well, I haven't posted in a friggin' eon. Lately, I've been lamenting the demise of paragraphs. I'm tired of limiting my thoughts to 140 characters and keeping up with friends through status updates. So, here I am back at the good ol' blog.

My mind is like a hedge maze of late, with so may possible paths and too many obstacles. I have a million things on my mind and am finding it difficult to limit and focus so I'll just list the topics in no particular order and get back to them in full

Career path - heading in the wrong direction or what the hell am I doing here?
Jon and Kate + 8 - I think Kate needs some props
Books, books, books...
Why Yellowknife sucks
Friends and their babies
Michael Cera

Well, that's all for now - I'll be back shortly.

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